What’s the most interesting or surprising thing you’ve ever transported?

Sometimes I’ll be involved in shipping something unusual and awkward to handle, like the Iron Throne to a Game of Thrones set. Sometimes it’s something surprising, like … erm, marital aids. Well, we’re always discrete.

What was the most challenging thing you’ve ever transported / most challenging circumstance?

Working within such a highly experienced team means there’s really nothing we can’t handle. Often it’s not the item itself exactly, but the circumstances surrounding a transport that brings the challenge. We arranged a shipment of several pallets containing mobile phones from the UK mainland to Ireland. Phones are high value items, and a potential security risk, so the consignment needed a Police escort to the UK port and on from Dublin.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

Outside of work I am training in martial arts to unwind, and like to read to relax.